• Europeana Fashion Focus: Scooter designed by Emilio Pucci, 1947


    The photo portrays a model of scooter designed by Marquis Emilio Pucci in 1947.

  • Runway Archive: Salon Johanna Marbach, ca. 1916.


    Fashion show in Salon Johanna Marbach, photo by 'Atlantic', Berlin, ca. 1916. Courtesy Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, CC BY NC SA.

    The picture shows a model posing in an nineteenth century interior, with three women, probably clients, looking carefully at the model while sitting on chairs. The model, standing straight, is wearing a knee-long redingote with fur collar, cuffs and lower hem. Underneath the coat, is an an ankle-lenght skirt, worn over black tights and low-heeled shoes. On the head, the model is sporting a flat hat with wide straight brims.

  • Faire sa Toilette – Time for Dressing Up


    'Progress of the Toilet. Dress Completed', caricature, 1830. Courtesy Dietmar Katz, Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, CC BY NC SA.

    The French term ‘toilet’ holds in itself many temporalities, from the fast and rapid, to the long and elaborate. It indicates the process of dressing or grooming oneself, a morning ritual that is, and has been, both a private and public.

  • Watches: Time as Material Luxury


    To understand time was one of the first necessity experienced by human beings. This led to the invention of devices that could help keeping track of time passing: watches. Both as ‘public’ objects and personal belongings, watches soon became artefacts that gathered scientific expertise and high-manufacture skill.

  • Runway Archive: Moren Wizard, Pitti Uomo 17, 1980


    The picture shows three male models wearing silver raincoats over trousers and jumpers. The raincoats are all the same: sleeveless, with a high collar and a hoodie. The looks are completed by fur-lined gloves and dark sunglasses. Behind the models, who stand in a quasi-militaristic pose, a backdrop with a sketch stands out, showing clearly the name of the brand, Moren Wizard.

  • Fashion ’round the Clock


    Women in evening dress, illustration by Léonard, ca. 1930. Courtesy Dietmar Katz, Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, CC BY NC SA.

    While it is commonly considered a whim today to frequently change outfit during the day, this convention is rooted in modernism, which produced a new conception of time and the ways it was organized.

  • Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation by Modemuseum Hasselt


    Junya Watanabe, Techno couture collection. Autumn/Winter 2000-01. Photo: Etienne Tordoir for

    This month, discover Japan’s influence over fashion in the Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation by Modemuseum Hasselt.

  • Europeana Fashion Focus: Ankle boot, Emanuel Ungaro, 1980s


    Shoe designed by Emanuel Ungaro, 1980s. Courtesy Rossimoda Shoe Museum, CC BY NC ND.

    The piece is an ankle boot in red suede with seam details and a leather ribbon. It was designed by Emanuel Ungaro in the 1980s.

  • Runway Archive: France Andrevie, S/S 1979


    France Andrevie, Spring-Summer 1979. Photo © Paul van Riel / HH.

    The picture represents some models at France Andrevie s/s 1979 fashion show, standing aside an alarm clock and a young girl dressed up as Alice, the protagonist of ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’, a 1865 novel by Lewis Carroll.



    Fashion is naturally drawn to look forward, but the links with the past, its own as much as ‘History’ in a wider perspective, generates a tension in the relationship fashion itself has with time. This month’s theme looks at how fashion negotiates its position between past and future, gravitating around the idea of time as it appears from the items contained in museum collections and archives.

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