• Designers’ Signature Flowers


    Camellia shaped pin, part of Chanel Fall-Winter 1990-91 collection. Photo Museo del Traje, all rights reserved.

    There are many designers in fashion that are recognized for their charachteristic use of flowers in their creations. However, sometimes the game changes and some particular flowers becomes heralds of the designers' styles and aesthetics.

  • Europeana Fashion invites you to a Garden Party!


    Detail of a men’s attire with coat and waistcoat in embroidered silk, made in France around 1785. Photo by Mats Landin. Collection Nordiska museet, CC-BY-NC-ND.

    Stay connected to Europeana Fashion Tumblr through all this March to find everyday a flower-inspired picture from Europeana Fashion collection!

  • Introducing two new Europeana Fashion Supporting Members!


    We’re happy to announce that two additional prestigious fashion institutions joined our Europeana Fashion International Association: the Milan based Gianfranco Ferré Foundation and MUDE (Museu do Design e da Moda) from Lisbon.

  • “Lettres à un jeune couturier” from Gianfranco Ferré


    Published in Paris in 1995 by Belland, “Lettres à un jeune Couturier” is an epistolary novel written by Gianfranco Ferré when he was Art Director at Christian Dior.
    The story talks about Ferré, the famous and accomplished designer, who engages a correspondence with Federico.

  • The art of the Italian Bijou


    Held at Palazzo Reale in Milan, the exhibition “L’arte del bijou Italiano” shows 300 exclusive pieces by internationally renowned designers and stylists.
    The exhibition, organized on the occasion of the Womenswear Fashion Week as a stylish journey

  • “MISSONI, ART, COLOUR” opens in London


    “Le Forme della Moda” MISSONI, L’ARTE, IL COLORE, MA*GA Museum, Gallarate. All rights reserved.

    The creations and ispirations of Missoni will be displayed at The Fashion and Textile Museum in London from the 6th May 2016!

  • The Dutch Fashion History on show at Rijksmuseum!


    Photo: Erwin Olaf | Full evening dress: dotted (ca. 1850-1856) and a full evening dress: striped (ca. 1850-1856). Rijksmuseum, all rights reserved.

    For the first time, Rijksmuseum displays a great part of its fashion collection in an exhibition which brings together the history of Dutch fashion.

  • Gold and Silver in Europeana Fashion’s Tumblr!


    Ensemble designed by Popy Moreni in 1983. See more on Europeana Fashion: Collection Les Arts Décoratifs, all rights reserved.

    This month Europeana Fashion’s Tumblr explores the use of gold and silver in fashion history through a curation of selected items from Europeana Fashion’s collection!

  • “Volez, Voguez, Voyagez – Louis Vuitton” at Grand Palais in Paris


    The Grand Palais in Paris guests the exhibition “Volez, Voguez, Voyagez – Louis Vuitton”. Inaugurated the 4th of December 2015, it will run until the 21st of February 2016.
    Curated by Olivier Saillard, it retraces Louis Vuitton’s great journey from 1854 to today, through depictions of the Maison’s

  • New items on Europeana Fashion Portal!


    Last week, Europeana Fashion's portal has been updated with a lot of new great features!
    The collection of digital records of Europeana Fashion has been enriched with new items by: Amsterdam Museum, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin, Missoni, Belgium's Modemuseum Hasselt, The

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