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Seminary: “La Mode Masculine 1820-1970 (I): Sources D’Étude.”


After a hiatus in 2014, the seminaries of the program “Histoire de la Mode et du Vêtement” will restart in January 2015 with “La Mode Masculine 1820-1970 (I) : Sources D’Étude”. The theme, more restricted compared to the precedent, will consider men’s fashion in a period of time of 150 years, from 1820 to 1970, considering the changes and evolutions that this period faced. Infact, despite outfits and garments in this period seem mostly inspired after uniforms, it’s not less interesting to consider that a specific literature for men’s fashion was rising. Intended for a public of professionals and consumers, these publications are the proof of a spectacular development of the business related to menswear. Vocabulary was enriched by a new and varied terminology for the fashionable men and a new figure, the dandy, finds its place on the scene.

The first year of the seminary is dedicated to a transdisciplinary approach on the sources of study of an area that certainly has publications that still remain less studied, for the obvious reason of women’s fashion.

For more informations, please visit Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.

Date(s) - January 21, 2015 - December 9, 2015
00:00 - 17:00

Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art

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