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Exhibition: “Madame Grès – Sculptural Fashion”

Madame Gres

Conceptually, the design of the exhibition at the Fashion Museum will be consistent with the sculptural fashion of Madame Grès. To achieve this, MoMu will work with the Belgian artist Renato Nicolodi, who has designed new elements and installations for the exhibition spaces and will also exhibit own work. His archetypal, minimalist and classically inspired works take on a stimulating dialogue with the work of Madame Grès. MoMu welcomes and recomposes the retrospective of Madame Grès from musée Gallièra, musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris, which was pre- sented in 2011 at the musée Bourdelle in Paris. This exhibition reunites Madame Grès silhouettes originating mostly from the Gallièra collections as well as some private collections.

For more information, visit MoMu.

Date(s) - September 12, 2012 - February 10, 2013
All Day

Fashion Museum Province of Antwerp – MoMu

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Event category: exhibition

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