Exhibition: “Vintage. L’Irresistible Fascino del Vissuto”

Prato Textile Museum Foundation, in collaboration with A.N.G.E.L.O. Vintage Fashion, presents their project for next winter. It is an investigation on fashion vintage explored through documents and clothes that confirm vintage design’s big success and its importance in contemporary fashion and textile design.
The exhibition path illustrates beginning and developing applications of this trend, showing how it has become a phenomenon of global communication throughout three sections: 1- Clothing recycling in the history of costume, 2- Beginning of second hand business and vintage inspiration in identity expression and 3- Remake of most famous icon-clothes and vintage collecting
Prato Textile Museum is a cultural institution that is deeply seated in the socio-economic reality of Prato’s district, benefited by its location in the middle of Italy’s most important textile region.
For more information, please visit Museo del Tessuto.
Image credits: photo by Alessandro Moggi