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Exhibition “Ornaments of Serbian Medieval Frescoes – Memory Update”

europeana fashion museum of applied art belgrade ornaments exhibition

The Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade is marking its 63rd anniversary with the exhibition “Ornaments of Serbian Medieval Frescoes – Memory Update”. The exhibition treats the ornament from various standpoints in an attempt to consider its values within the frame of modern interpretation. The exhibition visitors will be offered insight into the medieval material through numerous installations, animations, virtual projects, sound systems and original works inspired by the exhibition items. Among other items, the exhibition “Ornaments of Serbian Medieval Frescoes – Memory Update” will feature 573 tables with copies of ornaments from clothes and textile on the medieval frescoes in Serbia and Macedonia.

For more information, please visit the Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade.

Image: Ornament from the costume of St. Stephen, Sisojevac, 15th century (original), tempera on paper (copy of the fresco), 23×25 cm, MAA TC k. z. 1572, ©Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade

Date(s) - November 6, 2013 - January 31, 2014
All Day

Museum of Applied Art

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Event category: exhibition

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