Exhibition: “La nuova frontiera. Storia e cultura dei nativi d’America dalle collezioni del Gilcrease Museum”

For the 500th years anniversary of Amerigo Vespucci’s death, the Special Department for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Property and the Florentine museum group celebrates theAmerica’s discovery and the man who gave the name to that country.
In honor of the big navigator, born inFlorencein 1454, the Florentine Gallery of Costume, in collaboration withTulsa’sGilcrease Museum,Oklahoma, hosts an exhibition about Native Americans from the North, with a special care to the places of European colonization.
The iconographic testimony, collected by the american photographer Edward Curtis at he beginning of the XIX century, documents the civilization of Native Americans when they were in risk of extinction.
The collection includes art and artifacts, daily use objects and ritual items: the well known feather warbonnet, different kind of jewels, like necklaces made of tasks and claws, wonderful clothes in leather decorated with sparkling coloured beads and others male and female clothes.
On the wholes paintings, sculptures and pictures of the XVIII and XIX century increase the iconographic choice, made by artists who were in close quarters with Natives.
The exhibition suppose to show finally a real reportage about Native Americans civilization, trying to confute the fanciful reading of american movies.