Exhibition: “Knitting!”

The exhibition “Knitting!”, on display at the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden until the 28th August 2016, presents a journey through the art of knitting. An ancient craft, which is also in vogue now. The exhibition is a celebration of knitting: you’ll see everything from historical patterns to the latest designs. Traditional Frisian baggy caps, retro fabrics from the 1950s and hooded sweaters from the 1980s are presented in unusual ways in a fairytale-like exhibition. Surprising garments by young, popular fashion designers such as Bas Kosters and Stephen West demonstrate how knitting still revitalises fashion. And bizarre knitted installations by international artists prove that knitting offers total creative freedom. In addition, during the exhibition there will be knitting every day in the Fries Museum in a special knitting room where anyone can join in. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, “museum knitters” will be in attendance. You can ask them for tips and tricks, and knit together with them. In addition, the museum will organise a knitting contest, knitting courses, a knitting café, an ugly Christmas sweater party, and more.
For further information, please visit the Fries Museum.
Photo: “Knitting!” at the Fries Museum, all rights reserved.