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Exhibition: “Jazz Age. The Roaring 20s”


The exhibition “Jazz Age. The Roaring 20s”, that will be held at Modemuseum Hasselt from the 12th of September 2015 to the 13th of March 2016, explores the fashion of the 20s in all its aspects. The original style of that age broke with established orders and values and flirted with Modernism. The new moral and social etiquette required entirely different fashions and under the impulse of avant-garde art movements, fashion was subjected to new enquiry. Cultivated by cinema and Hollywood, the figure of the ‘flapper’ became a stereotype of the spirit of that time and, although in reality very few women enjoyed such a lifestyle, women were nonetheless playing a much more active role in society. Men were changing too and, influenced by the great popularity of sports and leisure time activities, they started preferring a boyish, youthful look to the conservative appearances of their fathers. In addition, technological advancements and further development of synthetic fabrics boosted the garment industry. As a result, fashionable clothing became accessible to all layers of society. While designers also began focusing attention on prêt-à-porter, Paris remained the epicentre of fashion, and styles conceived in the couture salons were now quickly distributed throughout the growing mass market. Thanks to the relatively simple tailoring, fashions of the Twenties were easily copied. The fact that the 1920s were an inspiring time is seen in countless creations that adorn the catwalks today. Designers happily reach back to elements from that fascinating decade, and it is no accident that the principles of those exuberant years are at the foundations of today’s contemporary fashion.

For more information, please visit Modemuseum Hasselt.

Photo: Modemuseum Hasselt. All rights reserved.

Date(s) - September 12, 2015 - March 13, 2016
All Day

Modemuseum Hasselt

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