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Exhibition: “Haute-à-Porter”


From the 2nd of April until the 11th of September 2016, Fashion Museum Hasselt presents the exhibition “Haute-à-Porter”, curated by the internationally acclaimed costume designer, journalist and photographer Filep Motwary. Haute couture is synonymous with craftsmanship, luxury, extravagance and spectacle. But aren’t these typical features of contemporary prêt-à-porter? The exhibition examines this question further and researches the changing relationship and cross-fertilization between haute couture and ready to wear.
Through a variety of themes and a selection of spectacular silhouettes and accessories from high end designers and fashion houses, the exhibition highlights the significance of haute couture for contemporary fashion. Completed with photography, film, art and music, Haute-à-Porter offers a unique insight into the fashion industry of the last 30 years.

For more information about the exhibition, please visit Modemuseum Hasselt. Browse also the museum’s fashion collection on Europeana Fashion!

Photo: Rene Habermacher. All rights reserved.

Date(s) - April 2, 2016 - September 11, 2016
All Day

Modemuseum Hasselt

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Event category: exhibition

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