Exhibition: “HAIR! Human Hair in Fashion and Art”

Opening 20th February 2016, the exhibition “HAIR! Human Hair in Fashion and Art” focuses on a theme that has never been the subject of comprehensive research. HAIR! is about the art and the knowledge, the historical and the topical, providing novel insights about this topic. The main focus is on hair as a statement and the exhibition is a quest and adventure that explores the employment of this unique material and will involve the visitor being invited to make an active contribution to the exhibition. The exhibition has been conceived on the basis of cultural-historical research, focusing on developments in fashion and the visual arts. “HAIR!” therefore includes designs by boundary-breaking, international fashion designers and artists who have been inspired by this material, such as ‘Babe’, the hairy pumps made by Zhu Tian in 2013.
In addition, because of the exhibition HAIR!, the Textile Symposium will be held on the 14th of April 2016, at Centraal Museum. The main subject of the symposium is how human hair is used as textile. You can find more information about the symposium on the website of the Textile Commission.
For more information abou the exhibition, please visit Centraal Museum.
Photo: “Babe”, rubber, human hair, pigment, Zhu Tian, 2013. All rights reserved.