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Exhibition: “Elegance in an Age of Crisis: Fashions of the 1930s”


The streamlined aesthetics of the fashion of the 1930s are the subject of the exhibition Elegance in an Age of Crisis: Fashions of the 1930s at the Museum at FIT. Following up the rigid fashion of the Edwardian era and the shapeless silhouettes of the 1920s, the 1930s took a turn towards wearability and elegance with innovative tailors and dressmakers using softer material while skipping the padding and boning. Modern and elegant dressing for both men and women became the ideal, with Madeleine Vionnet as key influencer, in the tumultuous period commenced by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and abruptly ended by the start of World War II.

For more information, please visit The Museum at FIT.

Date(s) - February 7, 2013 - April 19, 2014
All Day

The Museum at FIT

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Event category: exhibition

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