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Exhibition: “Basic Instincts”

Basic Instincts exhibition

The OCT Art & Design Gallery in collaboration with The Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion presents “Basic Instincs”, featuring clothing by five designers whose work defines contemporary Dutch fashion, as well as objects, photographs and scale models created by product designers, photographers and architects. “Basic Instincts” reveals the Netherlands’ unique, multidisciplinary fashion and design culture in six varied exhibition landscapes, the first five constituting three-dimensional mood boards that draw links between various design disciplines and the last one being a multimedia installation, which shows the world of fashion through photography and film. Each of the landscapes focuses on a single fashion designer, such as Iris van Herpen, Oda Pausma, Monique van Heist, Klavers van Engelen and Anne de Grijff, as well as a theme. The exhibition illustrates how designers, whether they make clothing, products or buildings, can share specific visions in an open creative culture.

For more information, please visit The Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion.

Date(s) - September 29, 2012 - November 22, 2012
All Day

OCT Art & Design Gallery

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Event category: exhibition

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