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Exhibition: “Balenciaga, lace magician”

Photo : Studio Tovar, Cristobal Balenciaga, robe de cocktail en dentelle peinte, 1953 | © Henry Clarke\Corbis - Modèle conservé à la Cité de la dentelle et de la mode, Calais

A big name in French haute couture, Cristóbal Balenciaga (Getaria, 1895-1972, Javea, Spain) was truly passionate about lace throughout his life. This exhibition with a novel theme comprises Parisian pieces and also a number of outfits created in his three Spanish houses in San Sebastiàn, Madrid and Barcelona, and never before presented in France.
With almost 75 outfits, accessories (hats, gloves, shoes) as well as photographs and workshop sketches, the exhibition provides a vast panorama of the designer’s work and traces the history of Balenciaga and lace.

For more informations, please visit Cité International de la Dentelle et de la Mode de Calais.

Photo : Studio Tovar, Cristobal Balenciaga, robe de cocktail en dentelle peinte, 1953 © Henry Clarke\Corbis – Modèle conservé à la Cité de la dentelle et de la mode, Calais

Date(s) - April 18, 2015 - August 31, 2015
10:00 - 19:00

Calais International Centre for Lace and Fashion

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Event category: exhibition

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