Training Course : “Curating Fashion and Dress”

In February 2016, Victoria and Albert Museum will host a training course on curating fashion and dress. The course is intended for museum professionals that are interested in harnessing the V&A’s extensive knowledge and expertise to develop their own fashion and dress curation skills and enhance their collections, is led by V&A experts, include both talks and hands-on workshops. Join like-minded peers from around the world in London during London Fashion Week to learn about everything from collecting to conserving fashion while enjoying access to one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive collections.
The course is for a minimum of 15 and a maximum
of 20 participants, and the deadline for applications is 23rd 23 November 2015, 17.00 GMT. For more information and to find the application form, please visit Victoria and Albert Museum.
If you would like to discuss a course, your application or would like to request a brochure in another language (brochures currently available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish), please email
Photo: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London.