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Exhibition “From Matrix to Sleeping Beauty”


Costume, set designer and artist, António Lagarto (Trafaria, 1948) is the author of a vast work that includes photography and cinema, design and illustration, exhibition design and interior architecture. Graduate in Sculpture with a Master degree in Environmental Media, António Lagarto first began by exploring the fields of performance and installation. In 1978, after conceiving the set design for Ninguém (an adaptation of Frei Luís de Sousa by Almeida Garrett), he begins a path of over 30 years in which he has been creating set designs and costumes for theatre, dance, ballet and opera, in collaboration with Ricardo Pais, Jorge Lavelli, Robert Cohan, Fernanda Lapa, Cucha Carvalheiro, João Grosso, Nuno Carinhas, Paulo Ribeiro, Olga Roriz or Vasco Wellenkamp, among many others.

From Matrix to Sleeping Beauty gives the opportunity to known the work of António Lagarto as a costume designer, presenting a selection of almost 300 pieces (clothing, hair props, jewellery and shoes) that have been worn by some of the most important actors, actresses and dancers to embody several characters of the national and international dramaturgical universe. To adequately visualize the aesthetic universe of António Lagarto and the way he works space, matter, body and light, he also signs the curatorship and exhibition design.

For more information please visit MUDE – From Matrix to Sleeping Beauty.

Pictures from MUDE. All rights reserved.

Date(s) - December 11, 2014 - March 29, 2015
All Day

MUDE – Museu do Design e da Moda

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Event category: exhibition

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