Costume Design from the Luigi Chiarini Library

The Luigi Chiarini Library is the fourth of our new associate partners. The Library, devoted to collecting materials around cinematogrophy, has a special collection dedicated to fashion and costumes.

europeana fashion Bozzetto di Adriana Berselli Adventurese associate partner biblioteca library luigi chiarini

Bozzetto di Adriana Berselli, The Adventurers, 1970

The Fashion and Costume collection contains over a 1.000 bibliographical documents. Initially, the collection was mainly used by students of the National Cinema School , but over the years costume designers have also found their way to the collection.

Bozzetti di Marisa D'Andrea Da pidi un secolo abito da spiaggia_ Palazzo Besana, Milano 1988 europeana fashion associate partner luigi chiarini library biblioteca

Bozzetti di Marisa D'Andrea. Da più di un secolo abito da spiaggia, Palazzo Besana, Milano, 1988

To Europeana Fashion, the Library will be contributing illustrations of costume design from rare books and fashion magazines dating back to the 1800s. The illustrations cover everything  from character costume design to the final tailoring choices. They are often accompanied by fabric swatches and detailed notes on hairstyles and accessoires.

Bozzetti di Marisa D'Andrea La vita leggendaria di Ernest Hemingway 1988 europeana fashion associate partner luigi chiarini biblioteca library

Bozzetti di Marisa D'Andrea. La vita leggendaria di Ernest Hemingway, 1988

Some of these wonderful illustrations are on the Library’s own website in its “Display of Fashion and Costumes” section. The Library will also curate our Europeana Fashion Tumblr this Winter and of course this wonderful collection will soon be available in our portal.


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