Pucci “Prince of Prints” on our Tumblr
In June, Europeana Fashion partner the Emilio Pucci Archive curates our Tumblr, infusing it with the iconic colours and prints of the classic Italian house. Alessandra Arezzi Boza, the archive’s curator, tells us more.

Emilio Pucci known as “Prince of Prints” always used colours as the signature of his style. © Emilio Pucci Archive
EF: How would you describe the legacy of Emilio Pucci to the fashion world?
AAB: I will start with a quote by Vanessa Friedman: “It is about innovation: Pucci was not only the first real Italian ready-to-wear brand, but also one of the first to bear a logo, to diversify into other design areas such as interiors and sportswear, to exploit technology, and to create fabrics that could be tossed into a handbag for ease of travel.” (from Pucci by Vanessa Friedman, Taschen)
As everybody knows, Emilio Pucci was a ski instructor when he created his first outfit, a very comfortable ski jumpsuit that went into production. In 1957 he made his first iconic collection inspired by the Palio race in Siena, that was an esploit of chromatic fancies and became his declaration of intents. The perfect connection between joyful prints, charged palettes and soft shapes able to underline women silhouettes, is the magic mix for success of Emilio Pucci.
Being faithful to sportswear without ever losing his elegance has carried him to become one of the most beloved designers of the jet-set. Starting with icons like Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, Greta Garbo and Jackie Kennedy, till modern stars like Madonna and Nicole Kidman: everybody has always been crazy for Emilio of Capri.
EF: What role does the Emilio Pucci Archive play in preserving the heritage of Emilio Pucci?
AAB: The Emilio Pucci Archive was created in 2001 by the Pucci family with the purpose of preserving, digitalizing and cataloguing the rich and diversified heritage comprehending all the creations gathered in more than 60 years of history of the Emilio Pucci Maison. The Archive is housed in the Pucci Palace, in Florence, headquarter to the Pucci Maison since 1947, with spaces dedicated to conservation, consultation and also to selected permanent exhibitions.
The main purpose of the archive is spreading the knowledge of the creations and work of Emilio Pucci through publications, exhibitions, didactic activities with schools and institutions connected with fashion, while also being a source of inspiration and documentation for the brand’s creative and communication staff.
Since 2004 several exhibitions, events and publications were curated by the Foundation. One of the projects of the Emilio Pucci Archive in the following months, is the creation of a Documentation and Training Centre in the new spaces, completely restored and dedicated to the Foundation’s activities and purposes, at the Villa di Granaiolo near Florence.
EF: What will you be showing on the Tumblr this month?
AAB: The wonderful world of Emilio Pucci’s prints and colours, hints of Pucci’s inspiring themes and some little precious highlights from the Archive’s wardrobes. For this special occasion we are going to disclose for the first time some of the treasures of the Archive. It is meant to be just a first preview of all the beautiful and inspiring contents that will be soon available through the Europeana Fashion portal.
Visit our Tumblr.
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