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Europeana Fashion Focus: Hat designed by Max Heymans, 1950s.

Hat designed by Max Hyemens, 1950s. Courtesy Amsterdam Museum, all rights reserved.

Hat designed by Max Hyemens, 1950s. Courtesy Amsterdam Museum, all rights reserved.

The picture shows a cocktail hat designed in the 1950s by Max Heymans, dubbed the ‘godfather’ of Dutch couture.

The hat is helmet shaped with no brims, and the back is longer that the front. It is made of velvet, and from the ornate top appears a tuft of black egret feathers. The hat is decorated with large sequins that don’t cover the hat with a regular pattern. The inside is unfinished, with no linings.

Dutch couturier Max Heymans has designed hats throughout all his life. First, for his mother when he was young and later for his clients. Although he was helped by milliners such as Suzanne Moulijn to realise his creations, his obsession had him developing his first silhouettes to accompany his headwear. Although still influenced by Parisian fashion, his collections reflected his own personal vision, darkened by the events of the Second World War. His fruitful career lasted from 1945 to 1997.

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