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Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation by Modemuseum Hasselt

This month, discover Japan’s influence over fashion in the Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation by Modemuseum Hasselt.

Junya Watanabe, Techno couture collection. Autumn/Winter 2000-01. Photo: Etienne Tordoir for

Junya Watanabe, Techno couture collection. Autumn/Winter 2000-01. Photo: Etienne Tordoir for

In concomitance with its current exhibition ‘Across Japan’, which explores Japan’s contribute in shaping contemporary fashion over the last three decades, Modemuseum Hasselt is curating the Europeana Fashion Tumblr with a selection of images that evoke and disclose the five themes developed by the curator. The exhibition, retracing the many ways in which Japanese and western fashion contaminate since the 17th century, focuses mainly on the fascinating innovations brought in fashion by Japanese avant-garde designers and their younger counterparts in fashion over the last three decades, and how their unique aesthetics still resonate in the work of western fashion designers. Each picture of the curation will be enriched by comments that will provide interesting insights on the object displayed.

While the exhibition will be on show at the museum until September 3rd 2017, don’t miss a post of the Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation, that will advance throughout this March on our Tumblr.

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