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Europeana Fashion Tumblr Curation by Beeld en Geluid!

This month, The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision is presenting a selection from its multimedia archive on the Europeana Fashion Tumblr.

A founding member of Europeana Fashion, the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision ows one of the largest European audio-visual archives and collects more than 750,000 hours of television, radio, music and films. Being both a cultural heritage institute and a museum, it has an exhaustive collection that counts material dating back to 1898 and provides an important source of public domain and open source materials on the history of Dutch television, cinema and radio.

New hat designs from 1931. Still from 'New summer hats', Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator), Public Domain Mark

New hat designs from 1931. Still from 'New summer hats', Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator), Public Domain Mark.

Fashion is well documented in the collection: it is in fact directly presented in specific videos – including fashion shows, designers’ presentations, newsreels and documentaries – and it is also deductible from the thousands videos offering a distinctive perspective on the life and culture of the Netherlands.

Designs from the fall and winter collection 1968 by Edgar Vos. Still from 'Fashion', Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator), CC BY-SA.

Designs from the fall and winter collection 1968 by Edgar Vos. Still from 'Fashion', Polygoon-Profilti (producer) / Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (curator), CC BY-SA.

For the Europeana Fashion Tumblr curation, the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision has selected videos from the Polygoon newsreel collection, which include short films presented in Dutch cinemas from the 1920s to 1980s. Among them, for example, are featured: Pierre Cardin looking at models during a presentation in Den Hague in 1969, a hat show from the 1930s, and the 1957 Amsterdam Fashion Week.

Follow the Europeana Fashion Tumblr this October not to not miss any of the original posts we will present, and browse the Netherland Institute for Sound and Vision collection on Europeana Fashion!

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