Support #AllezCulture, Support Europeana

Europeana, our partner in the Europeana network, might be facing a drastic budget cut from 2015 onwards. We cannot afford to lose a service that connects Europe with its shared history and heritage. Europeana offers 27 million freely and openly available objects in one online portal. Support Europeana by participating in the #AllezCulture campaign. Read on to find out how.

allezculture europeana fashion portal support gown illustration

Europeana already includes a selection of fashion-related material, such as this illustration. A woman wearing a fashionable gown and a hat with feathers in it, she is carrying an eyeglass and a fur stole. Wellcome Library, London. Image used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.

Why are we asking for your help? Because the budget under which Europeana was to be funded from 2015 onwards has been slashed from 9 billion euros to 1 billion. Europeana is still in the running but is now in direct competition with health, justice and safer internet programmes. If it loses the funding, much of the hard work put in will be wasted.

Europeana works with galleries, libraries, archives and museums in every European country to make knowledge and culture available online. It connects everyone in Europe with their shared history and heritage – 27 million books, pictures, films and recordings so far.

With its partners across Europe, it is pioneering new ways to engage people in culture through websites, apps, software and social media, through sharing its expertise, business models and code, and through services for education and tourism. Europe needs this innovation – there’s faster progress in the digital sector than most other areas of the economy.

As Europeana Fashion, we cannot stress enough the connections between fashion, culture and the economy. Fashion is both a commodity and a cultural expression. Fashion draws inspiration from culture, is culture and creates new cultures, and at the same time is one of the world’s largest industries.

Supporting Europeana is supporting Europe. None of us can afford to lose a service that is both good for people and good for the economy. So please pledge your support by following and tweeting #AllezCulture on Twitter, join the #AllezCulture Facebook group or visit the dedicated campaign web page.

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