Learning the Tools of the Trade in Athens

Who ever thought fashion could be such a technical affair? Well.. it is!

On 20 and the 21 November, an important Europeana Fashion workshop took place in the library building of the National Technical University Athens (NTUA). All the content partners of Europeana Fashion came together to learn how to bring their collections into the Europeana Fashion Aggregator, the system that compiles all the information from the collection databases. The tools of the trade? The EDM-fp and the MINT-tool!

The Europeana Fashion data model

europeana fashion fashion profile edm-fp
Fashion comes in many colours, the Europeana Fashion data model includes them all. This photo is © 2005 kakada licensed under a CC BY 2.0 license 

On the first day of the technical and practical sessions, partners were introduced to the Europeana Fashion data model. A data model is a structure that organises and relates all the information in a database.

Because fashion has a unique richness of materials, techniques, creators, brands, colours etc., the special Europeana Fashion data model ensures every important piece of information on a fashion object will be represented in the portal.

The data model used in Europeana Fashion is an extension of the data model used in Europeana. This Europeana Data Model has been adapted to the needs of the fashion sector, hence the name ‘EDM fashion profile’ or EDM-fp. This EDM-fp was produced by partner MoMu.

The MINT-tool

europeana fashion mint-tool profile ntua
Europeana Fashion content partners are learning the tools of the trade! The EDM-fp and the MINT-tool. This photo is © 2012 Europeana Fashion 2012  licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 license

After the EDM-fp, NTUA introduced their MINT-tool. This software platform helps the partners to fit their collection data into the EDM-fp for Europeana Fashion and finally for Europeana. All partners together will ingest over 700.000 objects into Europeana Fashion, so the user-friendly MINT-tool will help them get the job done!

On the second day,  a practical hands-on-session took place. Using the MINT-tool and the Europeana Data Model fashion profile, every partner ingested their own sample content under the guidance of the NTUA.

So after the two studious days, partners returned home, ready to bring their collections into the Europeana Fashion portal. The first version of the portal will be available as from May 2013.

This internal workshop was prepared by NTUA, Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale (FRD) and the Fashion Museum of the Provincie of Antwerp (MoMu).

europeana fashion ntua edm-fp mint-tool profile
Very studious! Henk Vanstappen and Marco Pecorari from, respectively, Europeana Fashion partner MoMu and Stockholm University. This photo is © 2012 Europeana Fashion 2012 licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 license

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