Europeana Fashion at Costume Colloquium

From 8 November until  11 November 2012,  the third edition of Costume Colloquium will be hosted in Florence, Italy. In this edition, titled Past Dress – Future Fashion,  the complex relationship between fashion and time will take center stage , bringing  together museum professionals, academics  and designers from all over the world.  Among them are  Europeanea Fashion partner the Victoria and Albert Museum and associate partner Museo Salvatore Ferragamo.

The conference will also focus in on ways in which fashion is collected, displayed, accessed and used. It is in this context, that Alessandra Arezzi Boza, communication manager of Europeana Fashion, will present how the Europeana Fashion portal will disclose fashion heritage online. We are pleased to participate and present Europeana Fashion at this prestigious conference.

For those who want to benefit from the materials presented during this conference, we would like to inform you that the lectures and presentations will be available online afterwards on the Costume-Textiles website. We invite you to view the programme below this message and discover all participants and their contributions.

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