About Europeana FashionRSS

The Europeana Fashion International Association is a non-profit organisation established in order to bring together and engage fashion institutions (both GLAMs – Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums- and creative industries) in the valorisation and exploitation of fashion heritage online.

One of the main objectives of the Association is to keep alive and enrich the Europeana Fashion portal, through which more than 700.000 fashion objects can be accessed, shared and promoted on-line, and that brings together more than 30 public and private archives and museums, coming from 13 European countries, in order to collect and give public access to high quality digital fashion content, ranging from historical dresses to accessories, catwalk photographs, drawings, sketches, videos, and fashion catalogues.

The Europeana Fashion International Association aims to act as a point of reference for fashion institutions in Europe and worldwide, attracting museums, private archives and also academic institutions (like fashion schools and academies, fashion studies departments, etc.) in order to aggregate and make accessible a growing amount of fashion content, and giving the possibilities to all its members to curate and promote this content on-line, using the well-established Europeana Fashion social media channels (like the Europeana Fashion Tumblr, Pinterest or Instagram) and the Europeana Fashion portal.

The Europeana Fashion International Association is organizing every year special events, like conferences and training workshops with the aim of raising competences and skills of its members on crucial topics like the use of social media, digitization and metadata standards for fashion content, and copyrights issues.

The Europeana Fashion International Association is also providing support and best practices for the design and implementation of collections management systems for fashion archives.

The Association is also actively participating in project proposals in EC programs, like Horizon2020 and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), in order to sustain and enhance its infrastructure and to continue offering state-of-the-art services to its members.

To have more information about Europeana Fashion and to register to the Association write to registration@europeanafashion.eu

Our Content Partners

Museo Salvatore Ferragamo (IT) Emilio Pucci Archive (IT)
Centraal Museum Utrecht (NL) ModeMuseum Antwerp (BE)
Victoria & Albert Museum (UK) Les Arts Décoratifs (FR)
Archivio Missoni (IT) Rijksmuseum (NL)
Rossimoda Shoe Museum (IT) Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (DE)
Catwalk Pictures (BE) Pitti Immagine (IT)
ModeMuseum Hasselt (BE) Nordiska Museet (SE)
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NL) Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation (GR)
Amsterdam Museum (NL) Israel Museum Jerusalem (IL)
Museo del Traje (ES) MUDE (PT)
Belgrade Museum of Applied Arts (RS) Fondazione Cerratelli (IT)
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (NL) Fries Museum (BE)
ITS International Talent Support (IT) Shoes or no shoes (BE)
Galleria del Costume Palazzo Pitti (IT) Royal Museums Arts and History (BE)
Royal Library of Belgium (BE) Stockholm University (SE)
TextielMuseum (NL) Wien Museum (AT)

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